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Weekly news from around the world
21 July 2006


Fisitalia blue

Yuri Medianik spielt beim Festival de Wallone – Belgien
Friedrich Lips „Kulturlaub“ Akkordeonworkshop - österreich
Erfolg der 7. internationalen Akkordeonkonvention in Las Vegas
Britische Akkordeonschule feiert 70. Geburtstag – Großbritannien
Französische Qualifikation (CNFA) für den Coupe Mondiale – Frankreich

Tradlab Perform at the Furness Tradition Music Festival - UK
Borut Zagoranski Completes Dip. RAM Diploma – UK
Accordion Featured at "Skopje Summer Festival 2006" - Macedonia
Renzo Ruggieri Very Busy in July – Italy
Nikolai Ryskov Performs for the Romanovs - UK
Frederic Deschamps Training Courses - France

Pineto Accordion Jazz Festival Program - Italy
Karen Tweed Trio Tours - Norway
Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2006: 6th – 28th August
New Composition for Accordion - Bratislava
Musikhaus pro-harmonika

Yuri Medianik spielt beim Festival de Wallone – Belgien
Contributed by Harley Jones

Am 16. Juli gaben Yuri Medianik und Jehanne Streppene, bekannt als das Symphorine Duett, ein Konzert als Teil des beliebten und eines der berühmtesten Festivals in Belgien, besser bekannt als das Festival de Wallone, welches in Awenne stattfindet.

Yuri schreibt, „dass er eine doppelte Freude hatte, als die Organisatoren ihm erzählten, dass es das erste Mal ist, dass ein klassischer Akkordeonist an diesem Event teilgenommen hat!“ Yuri spielte Violine im Duo mit Jehanne und in seinem Solo-Teil des Konzertes spielte er Transcriptionen.

Am 26. Juni spielte das Symphorine Duett ein Wohltätigkeitskonzert im Hause der Europäischen Kommission in Brüssel, welches an den Atomunfall in Chernobyl vor 20 Jahren erinnern sollte.

Aufgrund solcher wichtigen Konzerte wurde er beim Grand Prix (Duett Nomination) beim Open Europe Festivalwettbewerb, welcher in Moskau im Mai 2005 stattfand, ausgezeichnet.
Friedrich Lips „Kulturlaub“ Akkordeonworkshop - österreich

Zum siebten Mal hat die Stadt Imst (gelegen in Tirol, in der Nähe Innsbruck) einen Workshop für Musiker und Künstler verschiedener Richtungen vom 10. bis zum 14. Juli 2006 organisiert. Teilnehmer hatten die Möglichkeit, einige Tage zum Ausspannen mit künstlerischen Tätigkeiten zu kombinieren. Friedrich Lips, von der Gnessin Academz of Music in Moskau gab Teilnehmern Einzelunterricht und zeigte so, wie man aus seiner Sicht musikalische und technische Probleme lösen, oder auch Bühnenauftritte, etc. meistern kann.

Das Datum für den „Kulturlaub“ im nächsten Jahr wurden auf 9.Juli bis 13.Juli 2007 gesetzt. Für weitere Informationen emailen Sie bitte an:
Titano Accordion Company
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Die siebte internationale Akkordeonkonvention in Las Vegas wurde vom 26. Juni bis zum 29. Juni 2006 im Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada abgehalten und war in jeder Hinsicht ein sensationeller Erfolg.

Der Organisator des Events, Paul Pasquali sagt, dass die Formel einfach ist: Weltklasse Performer vereint mit guten Freunden, gutem Essen und gutem Service, das kann einfach nicht schief gehen. Hinzu kommen über 50 Workshops und die größte Liste an Akkordeonisten und dies ergibt die internationale Akkordeonkonvention Las Vegas.

Das diesjährige Festival wurde durch eine große Anzahl sehr bekannter Akkordeonspieler unter anderem dem „British Trio“, gekennzeichnet durch Bruder und Schwester William und Sara Jane Langton mit Gina Brannelli, dem mehfachern Weltmeister Peter Soave und seiner Frau Mady Soave (Frankreich), Mario & Mary Mancini (New York), Joe Domitrowich (San Jose, Californien), Sammy Thomas (Spokane, Washington), dem ehemalige CIA Weltmeister Iona Reed (Kanada), der Jazzlegende Art Van Damme und Dick Contino, Bernadette Conlon (Australien) und Don Lipovac dargestellt.

Während dem Festival wurde William Langton (Großbritannien) der Guido Deiro Young Entertainer Award verliehen. Der Ehrengast Count Roberto Guido Deiro (Sohn von Guido Deiro) verlieh ihm den Award. Der Larry Pino Inspirational Teacher Award wurde an Marjorie Konrad verliehen. Der begehrte Frosini Preis, welcher dem besten Akkordeonverein des Jahres verliehen wurde, wurde der Northern California Accordion Societz (NCAS) zugesprochen. Präsident Vince Cukar nahm den Preis im Namen seines Vereins an.

In jeglicher Hinsicht war die internationale Akkordeonkonvention 2006 in Las Vegas ein Erfolg! Paul Pasquali, der Organisator des Events, gab die Termine für das im nächsten Jahr stattfindende Event preis, es wird vom 18. bis zum 21. Juni 2007 stattfinden. Die Preise für die Hotelzimmer und die Konvention werden die gleichen wie dieses Jahr sein. Jedermann ist herzlich eingeladen, die internationale Akkordeonkonvention 2007 in Las Vegas zu besuchen, um den 100. Geburtstag des Pianoakkordeons in Amerika zu feiern.

Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte website.
eSheet Music
Britische Akkordeonschule feiert 70. Geburtstag – Großbritannien
Contributed by Raymond Bodell, Charnwood Music Publishing

Um den 70. Geburtstag der BCA (British College of Accordionists) zu feiern wird eine Versammlung von Lehrern und Diplomaten am Sonntag, den 24. September im Countesthorpe Village Centre, Countesthorpe, Leicester, gehalten werden. Der Tag wird ein Frage-Antwort-Forum enthalten, welches alle Aspekte des Prüfungslehrplanes, einen Frage-Antwort-Abschnitt mit drei hervorragenden britischen Akkordeonisten – Frederick Parnell, Eddie Moors und Gina Brannelli, die ihr Leben in verschiedener Weise dem Akkordeon und der Musik gewidmet haben.

Während des Tages gibt es die Gelegenheit, einige begabte Jungs, zu hören. Es gibt eine Ausstellung der Geschichte der Hochschule, die bis 1936 zurückgeht, in welcher Tausende Akkordeonisten die Abschluss- und Diplomprüfungen der Hochschule gemeistert haben. Um diese denkwürdige Gelegenheit zu kennzeichnen werden alle Anwesenden eine empfängt alles Geschenk eine Erinnerungsbroschüre erhalten.
Fisitalia Joy
Französische Qualifikation (CNFA) für den Coupe Mondiale – Frankreich
Contributed by Harley Jones

Die französischen nationalen Qualifikationen, geleitet vom CNFA (Conféderation Nationale Française de l’Accordéon) für den Coupe Mondiale 2006, der in Norwegen im Oktober stattfinden wird, waren sehr erfolgreich, besonders für Schüler von Frederic Deschamps.

Die nationale Auswahl fand in Paris am 9. Juli statt und 29 Kandidaten wurden registriert. Ca. 21 Kandidaten wurden von Frederic Deschamps unterrichtet. Er war erregt, als seine Schüler in jeder Kategorie den ersten Platz machten und sich alle 21 qualifizierten.

Senior Variété: Mickael Vigneau and Julien Gonzales: 1. gleicher Platz
Junior Variété: Thibault Thépazz: 1. Platz
Senior Classique: Julien Gonzales: 1. Platz

Sehr außergewöhnlich war die Junior Variété Qualifikation von Benoit Nortier und Julie Blocher, beide außergewöhnlich begabt und beide erst 11 Jahre alt! Sie qualifizierten sich mit guten Noten und keiner kann sich daran erinnern, dass es in dieser Coupe Mondiale Kategorie je Bewerber gab, die so jung waren.

Photo: Julien Gonzales, Gewinner des Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Wettbewerb 2005 und zweimaliger Kategoriesieger in dieser Qualifikation.

Fisitalia black
Tradlab Perform at the Furness Tradition Music Festival - UK

Young Scottish group Tradlab, Young Scottish group Tradlab with Paul Chamberlain on accordion, took part in the Furness Tradition music festival held in Ulverston in the Lake District on 15th and 16th July. The festival takes place every year, and is a blend of traditional folk music and morris dancing. The band played at the open air market cross on Saturday afternoon, and then were the main feature of the grand concert and ceilidh held on Saturday evening in the Coronation Hall.

Tradlab are a trio of musicians from the south east of Scotland, - David Nisbet (accordion), Paul Chamberlain (accordion, piano) and Paul Murray (fiddle). For this event they were also joined by Mark Neal (drums). Formed in 2004, they combine to produce an exciting blend of contemporary Scottish music, be it for dancing or listening, and play regularly for events around Scotland and beyond. Paul Chamberlain also composes and has compositions available online.
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Borut Zagoranski Completes Dip. RAM Diploma – UK

Borut Zagoranski concluded his Post Graduate studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London with the prestigious Dip. RAM Diploma. This is only awarded to students who graduate with a Distinction award. The award was presented by HRH The Duchess of Gloucester, President of the Royal Academy of Music, at the graduation ceremony on 29 June. Picture shows Borut Zagoranski with Royal Academy accordion tutor Owen Murray.
Edition Harmonia music catalog
Accordion Featured at "Skopje Summer Festival 2006" - Macedonia
Contributed by Anica Karakutovska

The evening concert of accordion students of Professor Zorica Karakutovska took place on July 12th at the Suli han - Skopje, as part of a "Skopje Summer Festival 2006". The concert was organized by the French Cultural Centre - Skopje and Directorate of Culture and Arts - Skopje.

The concert venue was in the wonderful environment Suli han - a medieval hotel built in the first half of the 15th century, currently the Faculty of Fine Arts - Skopje, and also the Old bazaar museum.

The concert included a large variety of accordion music, with different styles, consisted of two conceptionally different parts, one classical with works from Mozart, Hendl, Rahmanjinov, Bizov, Piazzolla, and the other entertaiment with French Musettes. Performers at the concert were accordion students from the class of Professor Zorica Karakutovska from the Faculty of Music-Skopje, Zoran Kirjakovski, Filip Stamevski and Kosto Todorovski, and the Music High School "Ilija Nikolovski-Luj"-Skopje, Volcevski Bojan, Peric Boban, Aleksandar Kolovski and Martin Kolevski.

The fifteen minutes long applause with standing ovations from the large audience indicates this concert was spectacular and very very popular, enhancing the already great reputation of the accordion in Macedonia.
Akkordeon Jazz Akkorde
Renzo Ruggieri Very Busy in July – Italy

A big success attracting a large audience for the Dolci Romori Jazz Festival of which Ruggieri is the Artistic Director.
- Closed successfully the Montreal Jazz Festival (30 June- 7 July) where Renzo Ruggieri performed with Lello Pareti e Stefano Cocco Cantini in the EGEA team.
- July 12 the Academy Musical "Voglia d'Arte" made examinations and concert of students with M. Claudio Azzaro, Aldo Rampa and RR.

Next Events
- 16 (Atessa), 20 (Castelvetro), 23 (Pineto) July Renzo will be in concert with the famous singer Antonella Ruggiero.
- 19 July Renzo will play with Frank Marocco at the Val Tidone Festival.
- 21, 22, 23 July Renzo will be the Artistic Director of the Pineto Accordion Festival Jazz.
- from the 24 at 30 July, Renzo will be in Mexico (Durango) for an important accordion Festival.
- It's still open the registrations to the seminar (ita-eng) of Renzo Ruggieri for accordion jazz and variété, jazz for all instruments and for group music in the Val Tidone Festival from the 1 at 6 August.
 Musikhaus pro-harmonika
Nikolai Ryskov Performs for the Romanovs - UK

On 1 July I performed at the 11th Russian Summer Ball 2006 which took place at the Cavalry & Guards Club, 127 Piccadilly, London, W1 organised by Alexander Suscenko. Attending this prestigious event were the the Prince and the Princess Dimitri Romanov who were pictured with Nikolai Ryskov.
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion
Frederic Deschamps Training Courses - France

On July 1st and September 15th, Frederic Deschamps will have carried out a training course every two weeks with 15 pupils per session, a considerable increase compared to previous years. Only some places remain available for the week of 27 August to 02 September.

The trainees, primarily ranging between 12 and 25 years come mainly to prepare for the upcoming international contests of the:
Trophée Mondial (CMA) from the 4 to 8 October, Serbia
City of Castelfidardo International Competition from the 10 to 15 October
Coupe Mondiale (CIA) Norway, from the 24 to 29 October.

The trainees have come from many different countries: France mainly but also Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, China, New Zealand, and others. Some privileged adults and some beginners mix with the young concert performers in order to also benefit from the new teaching techniques developed by Frederic Deschamps. "I do not make any segregation with regard to the styles and the levels of the trainees" declares Frederic Deschamps.

Charnwood Music Publishing
Contributed by Renzo Ruggieri

Full details are available on the website for this event of which Renzo Ruggieri is the Artistic Director and Peppino Principe is the Honorary President.
21 July, 22:00 Pineto (Villa Filiani)
Germano Mazzocchetti Ensemble
22 July, 22:00 Pineto (Villa Filiani)
Frank Marocco Quartet
23 July, 22:00 Pineto (Villa Filiani)
Antonella Ruggiero meets Renzo Ruggieri Group
Enzo Giribaldi eBook Accordion Course for Beginners
Karen Tweed Trio Tours - Norway

Karen Tweed, former all-Ireland champion Karen Tweed and accordionist in the group the Poozies is joining Sturla Eide (Hardangerfele / fiddle) and Andreas Aase (guitar) for a trio tour in Norway at the end of August. The tour dates are as follows:
28. August: Bergen
29. August: Rauland
31. August: "Kafe Filter" in Trondheim
01. September: Lunchtime concert at the county centre in Trondheim
01. September: Beitstad at Yttervik Gard
03. September: Røros in "Bergstaden Zir"

For further information, contact: Sturla Eide Mob: 413 01 778
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2006: 6th – 28th August
Contributed by Amber Masefield

As the world’s largest celebration of the arts, there is a large amount of cultural and artistic expression centered around the official festival. Traditional Scottish events are being held every night with many thousands of performances, both as solos and in groups. The main music venue, The Acoustic Music Center is proud to host a wide selection of music, including talented accordionists.

David Vernon and Dick Lee(pictured left), an Accordion and Clarinet duo performing an eclectic musical mix will be performing on the 10th, 11th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 25th of August.

Brechin, Wilkinson & Smith, a creation of beautiful melodies by accordionist Sandy Brechin, vocalist Ewan Wilkinson and fiddler Alison Smith, they will be performing on the 16th August.

Simon Thoumire & David Milligan(pictured right) dazzling displays of technical skills and invention on the concertina and the piano, performing on the 17th, 18th, 19th of August.

Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham return to the Queens Hall as the unmatched masters of accordion and fiddle, performing on the 26th, 27th of August.
Friedrich Lips CD Collection
New Composition for Accordion - Bratislava

The composer Peter Machajdik in 1997 wrote a piece of contemporary tonal music titled 'Five Mirrors', of approximately ten minutes duration. He is looking for an accordionist who would be interested in performing this composition. 'Five Mirrors' is published by Musica Slovaca, in Bratislava.

For further information email:
Sebastiano Cali

Bericht von Renato Belardinelli

Hands Up by Hannes Lingens


Peter Piccini - CD's & music catalog
The United States National Accordion News has been updated to include a full review of the Las Vegas International Accordion Convention.
An A to Z of the Accordion
A new site selling a CD titled ‘Concert d'ouverture’, with sound samples. Music recorded from the La Coupe Mondiale 2004 by Marianne Melodie, of France. Purchase online.
Gary Dahl Arrangements
A new site selling a CD titled ‘Variété Senior’, with sound samples. Music recorded from the La Coupe Mondiale 2004 by Marianne Melodie, of France. Purchase online.
Musikhaus pro-harmonika
A new site selling a CD titled ‘Variété Junior’, with sound samples. Music recorded from the La Coupe Mondiale 2004 by Marianne Melodie, of France. Purchase online.
Deffner Music catalog
A new site selling a CD titled ‘Classique Junior’, with sound samples. Music recorded from the La Coupe Mondiale 2004 by Marianne Melodie, of France. Purchase online.
Karthause Schmuelling music catalog
Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 6 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Fiesta A Siviglia', 'Capricciosa', 'Euro Polca', 'Brasilia', 'Grecian Holiday', 'Dizzy Polka'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Yuri Medianik CD's
Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International (ATG) site has been updated to include a review of their 2006 festival and basic information on the upcoming 2007 Coupe Mondiale to be held in Washington DC in conjunction with the American Accordionists Association (AAA).
The International Trio - CD
Gary Dahl site has been updated to include pdf samples of many of his outstanding arrangements available from the website.
Gary Daverne, CD's & compositions
American Accordionists' Association (AAA) site has been updated to include full festival schedule and basic information on the upcoming 2007 Coupe Mondiale to be held in Washington DC in conjunction with the Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International (ATG).
Stas Venglevski
Site updated to include information on the 'Accordion Gems by Kevin Friedrich - A Master Collection of Accordions Through Time' exhibition that is being established at the Dargaville Museum, New Zealand and offically opened on December 3rd 2006.  Information includes contact information for those who might be interested in donating an instrument to this display, the only one of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Art of Playing the Accordion Artistically - Lips
Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 5 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Accordion Tango', 'Gypsy Fiesta', 'Los Cubanos', 'Samba Loca (Crazy Samba)', 'Woodpeckers Polka'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Bernadette Conlon CD's
A new site selling a CD titled "Accordion Tapestry" with sound samples. Music performed by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano of England. Purchase online.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - Reuther
A new site selling a CD titled "Viva Frosini!" with sound samples. Music performed by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano of England. Purchase online.
Fisitalia Joy