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23 September 2005 Nachrichten vergangener Wochen | Senden Sie uns Nachrichten aus Ihrem Land
Fisitalia blue

Accordion International 2005, Caister - Großbritannien
CIA Präsident nimmt am Welt- Musik- Forum teil, Los Angeles - USA
Klaus Paier Trio's New CD, Wien - Österreich
Dr. William Schimmel spielt in einer neuen Opernaufnahme, New York - USA
Neue Promotion des Akkordeon- und Pianoshops, Paris - Frankreich

  Accordionist Dazzles in Historic Memorial, Melbourne - Australia
Nihad Hrustanbegovic at the Enschede Music Festival 2005, Enschede - The Netherlands
Mario Bruneau on TV5, Montreal - Canada
  Mika Vayrynen to Perform and Lecture in Lappeenranta - Finland
Micheline Van Hautem and Frederik Caelen's 'Brel & Piaf', New York - USA
Alain Ray Tango Shows, Geneva - Switzerland

Accordion International 2005, Caister - Großbritannien

Das "Accordion International 2005" findet vom 10. bis zum 14. November im Caister Holiday Center, welches in der Nähe von Great Yarmouth in England liegt, statt. Die internationalen Künstler, die zu Gast sind, sind Giancarlo Caporilli (Italien), Oivind Farmen (Norwegen) und Murl Allen Sanders (USA). Weitere Beteiligte sind: Accordeon Club des Flanders de Lambersart (Belgien), Crawley Accordion Orchestra, Norvic Concordia, Gary Blair, Charlie Watkins, Johnny Coleclough und Bert Santilly.

Eine eindeutige Besonderheit der Veranstaltung ist die Austellung von antiken Akkordeons, Andenken und einem Instrumentenverzeichnis das bis zum den Erfindungsjahren des Akkordeons 1829 zurückreicht. Die Akkordeons werden von Caroline Hunt vorgestellt.

Das Festival beinhaltet Gastkonzerte, Masterklassen, Orchesterworkshops, "Free & Easy"- Sessions und Schottische- bzw. Ballsaaltänze. Zusätzlich wird es eine "Auction of Accordions & Accessories", sowie eine Handelsshow durch Trevani, Elektronische Accordions Ltd, WEM, und Geoff Holter Akkordeons geben.

Gary Darven

CIA Präsident nimmt am Welt- Musik- Forum teil, Los Angeles - USA

Die "Confédération International des Accordéonistes" (CIA) wird das Treffen des "International Music Council" (IMC- UNESCO) in Verbindung mit dem Welt- Musik- Forum in Los Angeles besuchen. Eine Reihe von Vorlesungen, Konzerten, Treffen und Ausstellungen werden im Hotel Renaissance am Hollywood Boulevard vom 1. bis zum 5. Oktober stattfinden.

Das IMC Welt- Musik- Forum hat die Stellung eines sehr einflussreichen Wissensplattform auf der ganzen Welt. Es spricht verschiedene Themen wie zum Beispiel Musik und der Soziale Wechsel, Musik und die Medien, Technologie und der öffentliche Zugriff, Copyright und die Musikerziehung an. Um verschiedene Ansichten zu erkunden und zu integrieren, wird es Stimmen von verschiedenen Interessengruppen im Gebiet der Musik zusammenbringen, wie zum Beispiel Beamte, im privaten Bereich Animateure sowie Profis der Zivilbevölkerung, Gelehrte, Künstler und Studenten. Themen des Forums beinhalten "Die Macht der Musik in einer sich schnell wechselnden Welt, Musik und Technologie : was voraus liegt, die Globalisierung und die Zukunft der Musik".

Das IMC wurde 1949 auf Wunsch der UNESCO als ein nicht- behördliches beratendes Gremium in Musikfragen gegründet. Momentan umfasst es nationale Musikgremien in 74 Ländern auf allen Kontinenten, sowie 34 internationale Organisationen, die weite Gebiete von musikalischen Aktivitäten sowie einige Ehrenmitglieder repräsentieren.

Gary Dahl

Klaus Paier Trio's New CD, Wien - Österreich

Der österreichische Akkordeonist und Bandoneoist Klaus Paier hat alle 13 Lieder seiner neuesten CD " Tiempo " komponiert. Fünf der Lieder können auf Klaus Paiers Homepage angehört werden. Das Klaus Paier Trio ist momentan auf Tour mit 40 Konzerten in 10 europäischen Ländern.

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Dr. William Schimmel spielt in einer neuen Opernaufnahme, New York - USA

Vor kurzem hat New World Records eine CD mit einer 100 minütigen Zimmeroper heraus gebracht : " The Floating Box " von Jason Kao Hwang. Die Oper befasst sich mit der Geschichte der chinesischen Einwanderer und ihre Ansiedlungen in Chinatown in New York. Das Libretto ist von Catherine Filloux. Die Oper wird durch einen ausgearbeiteten Akkordeonteil, welcher von Dr. William Schimmel gespielt wird, gekennzeichnet.

Eine kürzliche Nachprüfung im Internationalen Record Review gibt an : " am meisten angeregt von allem ist Hwangs Gebrauch des Akkordions um die harmonische Fülle zu unterstützen. Und hierbei dient ihm der erstaunliche William Schimmel, desssen Rafinesse schon allein einer der Höhepunkte der Aufnahme ist. Jason Kao Hwang arbeitete dicht mit Dr. Schimmel an diesem komplizierten Teil zusammen und Mr. Hwang benutzt es als Verbindung zwischen dem Teil der von westlichen Instrumenten gespielt wird und dem Teil, der von traditionellen chinesischen Instrumenten sowie das Erhu und das Pipa.

Die Internationele Record Review verzeichnet Dr. Schimmel als ein Character der Oper entlang der Sänger. " The Floating Box " hatte seine Weltpremiere 2001 in der Asia Society in New York. Joan Carlos Rivas leitete die Premiere und die Aufnahmen. Für weitere Informationen zu diesen Aufnahmen :

Fisitalia black

Neue Promotion des Akkordeon- und Pianoshops, Paris - Frankreich

Das lang bestehende Akkordion- und Pianoeinzelhandelsgeschäft Hista, welches 1930 gegründet wurde, hat seine Räumlichkeiten erneuert und eine Website erstellt. Hista verkauft Victoria, Pigini, Borsini und Maugein Knopf- und Tastenakkordeons und führ auch Reparaturen durch. Hista befindet sich hier: Denis und Armelle Salmon, 1 rue Louis Ganne, 75020 Paris.

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Accordionist Dazzles in Historic Memorial, Melbourne - Australia
Contributed by Rob Howard

Melbourne witnessed one of its rare concerts to feature the accordion in a classical setting. Visually impaired accordionist, Bernadette Conlon, performed two concertos with the Melbourne based string orchestra, The Melbourne Musicians at the prestigious St. John's Lutheran church at Southgate, one of Melbourne's most coveted performance venues.

Bernadette performed New Zealand composer, Gary Daverne's 'Concert Waltz' for strings and accordion, which delighted the audience with its sweeping Parisian style, as one newspaper critic put it.

She also performed Australia's first concerto for accordion and orchestra, 'Concerto for Bernadette', which she commissioned nine years ago, from Melbourne composer, Michael Easton, which work Bernadette had previously recorded for the Naxos label. This performance was a memorial to Michael, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music in London who died, aged 54, last year.

Bernadette was critically acclaimed in Melbourne's daily newspaper, The Age, as an accordionist, who played with "agility and relish in her work", and that the concerto "brought home again Conlon's enthusiasm and talent".
Gary Darven

Nihad Hrustanbegovic at the Enschede Music Festival 2005, Enschede - The Netherlands
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic was born in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where he received a musical education at the Tuzla Music School, under Professor Midhat Zulic. During music studies in Bosnia he became 3 times National Accordion Champion of Bosniacom, from 1988 to 1991. In 1996 he become a student of Professor Miny Dekkers at the Hogeschool v/d kunsten, in Arnhem in The Netherlands, and later in 1999, a student of Gerie Daanen at the Messiaen academie, also in Arnhem. During these studies he took part in many accordion projects for classical and modern music.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic has performed as a soloist in major Dutch concert halls such as Concert Gebouw, in Amsterdam, the Hall of Knights in The Hague, and recently on September 16th, at the Enschede Music Festival 2005 together with one of the most promising Dutch talents of the year - the Moses Rosenberg Trio. Some Dutch musical experts during the concert become very enthusiastic about Nihad's accordion playing, especially combination of classical and modern techniques, together with his powerful creation of the improvisations where he makes a cross-over between the orient, jazz and Hot club de France.

Mario Bruneau on TV5, Montreal - Canada
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Mario Bruneau has composed and recorded original background music for the Quebec-based television channel, TV5. TV5 is the world's largest French language television station, and its broadcasts are received around the world via Sky and cable networks.

Mario Bruneau has many recordings to his credit, some of which are in French musette style. He plays piano accordion, piano and organ, and often accompanies his wife, the singer Hélèn Cardinal. Their performances include an appearance at the Chartres Accordion Festival in France in 2000.

For further information email:
Fisitalia Yellow

Mika Vayrynen to Perform and Lecture in Lappeenranta - Finland
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Concert accordionist and recording artist Mika Vayrynen will perform on September 29th in the City of Lappeenranta, with the Lappeenranta City Orhestra under the direction of Jan Söderblom. Mika will peform Aulis Sallinen's 'Chamber Music V - Barabbas Variations'. This concert is part of the ongoing celebration of Professor Sallinen's 70th birthday. While in Lappeenranta, Mika will also give a lecture at the Lappeenranta Music Institute.

Fisitalia black

Micheline Van Hautem and Frederik Caelen's 'Brel & Piaf', New York - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Micheline Van Hautem sings the songs of Jacques Brel and Edith Piaf, with accompaniment by Frederik Caelen on accordion and piano. Micheline Van Hautem and Frederik Caelen are both from Belgium, and have performed their shows in many parts of the world. They have produced two CDs, and have a website.

Frederik Caelen obtained a Master's Degree in classical accordion at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, and a Laureate in piano at the Stedelijk Conservatorium Hasselt. The duo's concert dates for October and November are as follows:-

26th, at 7.30pm - The Red Hat, Irvington, New York
27th, at 6.15th - Le Dôme at The Manor, New Jersey
28th, at 7pm - Dannys' Skylight Room, Manhattan
29th, at 9.30pm
30th, at 8.45pm
2nd, at 7.30pm - The Red Hat, Irvington, New York
3rd, at 9.30pm - Dannys' Skylight Room, Manhattan
4th, at 9.30pm
5th, at 9.30pm

For further information email:


Alain Ray Tango Shows, Geneva - Switzerland
Contributed by Rob Howard

Swiss bandoneonist Alain Ray has several concert performances of his shows "...du Gainsbourg à la barre" and 'Libertango' in the next few weeks, details of which are given below. Tango is currently very popular throughout Switzerland, and there are many concert venues, dance clubs, musicians and dance teachers.

September 30th, 8.30pm - "...du Gainsbourg à la barre", Thèâtre Three P'tit Turns, Morges
October 8th, 8.30pm - 'Libertango', Les Temps Modernes, Vevey
October 14th, 8.30pm - 'Libertango', AMR, Geneva
October 15th, 8.30pm - "...du Gainsbourg to the bar", Domaine Les Marchandes
October 21st, 9pm - accompanying singer Dominique Scheder at the Caf-Conc le bout du monde, Vevey
October 22nd, 8pm - "...du Gainsbourg to the bar", Grande sale, Lussy
October 23rd, 6pm - accompanying singer Dominique Scheder at
A l'Espace de Je, Lutry
November 4th - Grand Tango Show, Onex.

For further information email:


A new CD Review:

Alexander Sevastian.

Review by
Joan Cochran Sommers.


Joe Burke is among the greatest exponents of traditional Irish music. His sheer musical brilliance, his knowledge and love of his land, its music and culture had earned him an immortal place in the history of Irish music and Folklore. Resident in the USA for many years, Joe Burke has now returned to Ireland, and now lives in Galway, where he performs, records and teaches.


Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 5 arrangements of 'Irish Song', 'American March', 'Scandinavian Dance', 'Fuer Adina', and 'Tambourin'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Accordion Jass Chord

Musicforaccordion is publishing a new music mfa1107 ‘Grizzly Riders March’. A sample of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


A new site selling a CD titled The Nutcracker Suite with sound samples. Music performed by Stas Venglevski. Purchase online.


A new site selling a CD titled Accordion Illusions with sound samples. Music performed by Stas Venglevski. Purchase online.

Vassily Glubochenko - composer, arranger, performer and scientist, releases 1 new work titled 'Grandfather's Krutch' composed by Glubochenko, available for purchase online. A sample of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl's site is updated to include full length .mp3 sound files of music from 3 of his popular books. Please visit to enjoy these varied samples of music.

Fisitalia blue

The United States National Accordion News has been updated with its September edition including news from around the United States and Canada.
A to Z of the Accordion

Alexander Selivanov, first prizewinner of international competitions and teacher at the Gnesin's Academy of Music in Russia

Totter Harmonica

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